Brute force merupakan salah satu teknik pembobolan paling bodoh yang biasa di lakukan oleh para attacker, kenapa di bilang paling bodoh? Karena teknik ini merupakan teknik menebak password, jadi attacker tidak tau mereka akan berhasil atau tidak.
Mereka hanya akan menyiapkan wordlist dan mencoba semua wordlist tersebut.
Dan kali ini saya akan memberikan tutorial cara hack facebook menggunakan metode brute force di termux. Langsung saja kita ke tutorialnya...
1. Pertama kita update dan upgrade repository termuxnya terlebih dahulu dengan mengetikan perintah :
Apt update && apt upgrade (enter)
2. Selanjutnya install python dengan mengetikan perintah :
Pkg install python2 (enter)
Pkg install python2-dev (enter)
3. Kemudian kita instal juga :
Pkg install wget
4. Setelah itu download script facebook brute forcenya di bawah :
Dan juga wordlistnya di bawah :
5. Pindahkan kedua file tersebut di sdcard, kemudian ketik perintah berikut :
Cd /sdcard
Cara menggunakannya anda bisa lihat video di bahah ini :
Sekian tutorial dari saya semoga bermanfaat dan ingat jangan di salah gunakan dan saya juga tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas resiko yang anda terima, sekian dari saya dan terimakasih...
penelusuran terkait :
Cara install MBF Multi Brutefoce Facebook
cara menggunakan MBF brutefoce
cara hack facebook di termux
cara hack facebook menggunakan brutefoce
brutefoce facebook di termux
Gabisa ktemu psswordny
ReplyDeleteBetul tuh pwnya lama ketemunya
ReplyDeleteItu emang gak bisa sama sekali
ReplyDeleteHello Everyone, My name is John Wayne, is the best out here. If you need hacking into a cheating spouse phone, email, Facebook, bank statements, etc.. You really need I read a post by Samantha, she connected me with him he is a master class at this hacking jobs, it’s so discreet and interesting, tell him i referred you please. I promised i would help in any way since he did the same for me.
ReplyDeletehello everyone...dealing with a cheating spouse isn't always easy, I was lost with no hope for my husband was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on him. with the help a colleague who recommended me an ethical hacker who helped me hack his phone, email, chat, sms and even deleted messages and media photos of naked women hes been with. everything revealed was so overwhelming to me, but i already promised him i was going to recommend him in my own little way. I just want to say a big thank you to QUADHACKED@GMAIL.COM. i'm sure someone out there is filled with doubts and uncertainty about their spouses loyalty, go get your proof before you write that will or use him as your next of kin. you can also contact him for all sorts of hacking services..he is fast and reliable.